My Fitness Pal

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Sunday, June 23, 2013


Yesterday was weigh in day.  Of course it would have to follow an evening where I got off track and decided to give in to temptation.

On Friday I had an all day training in town and decided that, rather than coming home for lunch, I would eat lunch with Leslie.  I was careful to pack my own lunch so that it fit in with my WW plan.  Yeah!  Success!

Let me interject that on Thursday and Friday I spent 6 hours seated at a table laden with small, bite size chocolate candy bars and I did not have EVEN ONE!  Yeah!  I am so proud of that!  At one point, I said, "I need some chocolate!" and the lady next to me agreed and was ready to have some with me.  That is when I knew my limits and that having one little bar, would most likely mean having 6-8 of them.  So, I told her I was just joking and that I could not.  She, impressed by my willpower, did not have any either.  Wow!  Willpower plus a positive influence!

So, Friday evening we were going to friends' for a barbeque.  I signed up to bring fruit and chips.  I bought chips that I did not particularly like and fruit that I did.  I really wanted to bring a bun and a hot dog, but after debating how that would go, decided to just have some of the food there instead.  So, I allowed myself to have a a hamburger, but then I went a little wild and had 5 or 6 little reeses chocolate muffins, a piece of cheese, a few chips, and 2 helpings of sweet beans.  After a week of staying on program, this was quite a bit off.

So, when I weighed in having lost 1.4 from the previous week...I took it!  Yes, I slammed myself a little because earlier in the week it had said that I was down 3.3.  If only, if only.  You know what?  I cannot move forward focussing on the if onlys.

So, Saturday we had a funeral in Chillicothe and we went out to eat at Golden Corral afterwards.  I started out with a healthier salad than I normally would fix, but then I had 3 of the honey rolls and a whole plate full of chocolate desserts.  I didn't eat everything on the plate, but...yeah...not so WW friendly.

Back home Tom decided to throw some pizzas in the oven and I decided to give myself the freedom of starting my new WW week on Sunday instead of Saturday.  So...that is what I did!  And so far, so good.

Moving forward I cannot allow myself to focus on my downfalls.  Instead I will get back on the wagon and do my best to have a long ride.  There will be days when I momentarily fall off and as long as I am not stuck there, I will get to my destination.  The less I fall off, the quicker I'll get there!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


So I am tutoring a college student from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. daily.  Makes it easy to sleep in, stay up late, and pretty much be inactive.  The Beck Diet Solution tells you to exercise no matter what.  So, last night after doing pretty much nothing but school stuff all day, I came home from class after 10 p.m. and hit the treadmill.  Not hard.  Just walk while catching up on facebook.  Enough to burn some calories.

Tonight I got the inkling to start the Couch 2 5 K plan, but my neighborhood is WAY too hilly and I didn't feel like doing it treadmill style.  So...I thought about heading out to the trail.  I nearly begged my daughter to go with me and finally she said yes (only because she kept hearing a voice in her head telling her to be selfless).  She rode her bike while I ran/walked.  Neither one of us were disappointed in our decision.  :)

Tomorrow...what is the plan?  Not sure.  Maybe a bike ride on the trail with Holly.  My plantars fascitis is hurting a little bit...would be good to stay off my feet.

Food wise today?  I did well!  Logged everything and while I am way over in weekly points, only 2 of those came from today.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

June 15--Weigh in day

So, today was another Saturday, another weigh in.  I must admit I am not taking this losing weight bit seriously at all.  But, here is where I am going to have to turn a new leaf if I really would like to lose weight.

1.  I must lift myself up, rather than beat myself up!
2.  Just do it!  This speaks to exercising!
3.  Strengthen the resistence muscle!
4.  Remember what you want and then go for it!