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Friday, June 27, 2014

Excited about weigh in!

As I mentioned in a previous blog post, I get on the scale every week and record my weight in a little book that stays in my bathroom.  I do this whether or not I am trying to lose weight.  I think it's been about 4 years that I've been doing this.

I try to post my weigh ins on Saturdays.  I chose Saturday simply because when I went to Weight Watchers meetings, I would go on Saturday (making Saturday my weigh in day).

I like that I write those numbers down because it helps me see the bigger picture.  For example, I can see how much I gain in a year, what my lowest weight recorded is, etc...

Last summer I hit a milestone I wish I hadn't...I hit the 190's.  Highest numbers yet.  At one point this year I was really worried that I might hit the 200 mark.  I don't know why that is so bothersome, but it is.  It is some psychological game we play with numbers.

I can say that I've tried to lose weight this year, but that wouldn't be telling the complete truth.  Truth is, I sure didn't put a whole lot of effort into it.  At. all.  I don't know what my problem is, but I have had the TOUGHEST time being motivated enough to WANT to lose weight.

I KNOW that I dislike my body and the way I feel.  I find it difficult to cross my legs.  Difficult to be comfortable sitting.  I hate looking in the mirror because I do not like who I see anymore.  One of the worst parts of my trip to Puerto Rico was our salsa dancing lessons where we were surrounded by mirrors.  I looked at myself and discovered that in a room of 35 people, I was one of the 5 biggest people.  Until that point, I don't think I realized how big I had actually gotten.  What I saw in that mirror made me disgusted with myself.

Amazingly, since coming back from Puerto Rico on June 16th, 2014, I have started tracking with my Weight Watchers Online tools.  In fact, I have tracked EVERY DAY from last Saturday, June 21st until today, June 27th!!!  I know that doesn't seem like much, but that is the most consecutive days I have tracked for at least a year!  AND...when I got on the scale last Saturday, I was just slightly BELOW the 190 mark, a weight I had not seen since August of 2013!

Tomorrow is my next weigh in day.  I have been getting on the scale nearly every day this week and the scale has not gone below 190 since last week.  Makes me mad, because I have been tracking my food and exercising.  Today I earned 7 activity points!!!  Super excited about that!

So...I am kind of excited to see what the scale says tomorrow.  It may say that I am up, but it may show off my hard work.  Either way, I should be excited that I have completed a full week of diligent food/exercise tracking!  I did use all of my weekly points, but I have also earned 26 activity points this week and I do have 6 of those left over!

I have had a very good, on-plan week!  Yeah!!!!  Now to just keep the momentum going!  :)

Monday, June 23, 2014

Compensating for injury

Wow!  Posting 2 days in a row has not happened in a LOOOOOONG time!

Now that my little finger is misbehaving from too much bike riding, I had to re-think my exercise plan for the summer.  A few friends told me that cycling gloves and lowering my seat will take the pressure off my nerve and help with the cycling palsy (if you are confused, see my last posting).  So...I ordered some cycling gloves which should be coming later this week.  I will take a break from the outside bike until I get my gloves.

In the meantime...I put my shelf back on Trudy Treadmill and I am walking on Trudy while I use my laptop.  This will help to continue getting activity in my day and hopefully will not be so much impact that my plantar fascitis starts up again.

That way Trudy doesn't feel left out!  :)

I also need to be lifting weights.  I have so many dvds and books that show me exactly what to do.  The hardest part for me is just doing it!  I have my yearly doctor's appointment in an hour (and I am typing while walking on Trudy).  When I get home, I am going to conquer a weight lifting session!  :)

On a side note, I am going to lug my 3 trash bags full of too small clothing to Goodwill today!  They have been renting space in our exercise room for WAY too long!  :)

Yeah!  I will feel accomplished today!  :)

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Trying to be positive

Wow!  It has been a long time since I posted.

I fell off the bandwagon and really did not have anything to post.  It is a mental game.  I am all gungho to exercise and eat healthy and then some smell wafts by and I am just done for!  :(

Anyway...I have been lazy about both my eating and exercise.  Then, my daughter asked if I wanted to go on a bike ride.  The bike ride had all kinds of issues, but it got me excited about riding my bike and really getting this body back to what it should be.  Yeah!  Motivation!!!

So...I have been riding my bike.  A LOT.  124 miles since June 1st!  Pretty proud of that!!!  I've got the bike carrier hooked up to my van and can throw the bike on and off pretty quickly.  Although my daughter was the one to get this trend started, she has been a fair weather fan and only went with me on that initial ride.

I am very fortunate to live in a town that has lots and lots of trails.  I drive about 5 minutes to park and ride.  My shortest rides are 5 miles or so and my longest have been 19 miles.  I can actually ride my bike to the nearest winery!  (8.3 miles)  How cool is that?!!!  :)

Unfortunately, I came home yesterday from a long ride (19 miles) and noticed something odd with my pinky finger in my right hand.  When I went to wash my hair in the shower I couldn't control my pinky finger.  It didn't join the others.  I thought maybe this would go away, but it was back again today.  The only thing I could think that may have caused this was my riding...

Well...I was right!  After doing a little internet searching, it looks like I have cyclist palsy.  I probably should have a doctor check it out and then it looks like I need to stay off my bike until the symptoms go away.  The linked article did say that I could ride my stationary bike, just to stay away from the handlebars.

So what caused this?  Too much pressure on my arm and wrist.  Usually it means that the seat is not fit properly to correctly distribute your weight on the handlebars.  Disappointing!  Means that my summer time passion will have to wait.  In the meantime, looks like I'll be trying the indoor machine and maybe mixing it up with other activities like walking/running on the trail or working out to those numerous dvds I have at home.

Trying to stay positive!  It is just frustrating because right when I got into running and training for a 5k, I started experiencing plantar fascitis.  Now this.  Just not liking getting old!  :)

Thanks for listening!