So, what do you do when you go off plan? Eat way too much?
This is where I throw in the hat, and say, "Ok, I might as well have some cookies, ice cream, etc... because I've already screwed up." All or nothing behavior.
Why? Why does that make any sense at all?
Ever watch a thin person eat? She may eat a big meal laden with calories. And then what? She goes to the gym!
As I see it, being at a healthy weight is all about balance. When I go off plan, I should balance the off plan activity with either healthier food the rest of the day or add more exercise to balance it out. Easy to say, but harder to follow.
Why is this so hard to follow? Well, I have had 40 plus years of creating the habits I have. Breaking a habit, especially one of that age, is not something that happens over night. But it IS possible.
It just takes a lot of motivation, desire, and faith. And don't forget a house full of healthy choices. It is way easier to stay on plan when healthy choices are abundantly found throughout the house.
So...last night we realized that both kids were out for the evening. I suggested that we go out to eat. We ate a favorite Mexican restaurant and I ate a lot of cheesy food. When we left, I felt stuffed.
I am so proud of what I did when we came home! Gues what? I went downstairs and said hello to Trudy Treadmill. Together, we worked on week 1 day 2 of the couch to 5k plan. I feel so much better having done that than having taken the other route and gone hog wild with food. AND...because I exercised, I ended up getting in 4-24 oz bottles of water yesterday. Whooo hoooo! That, for me, is an accomplishment.
So, today when I was craving the leftovers of my meal last night my husband told me that we left the leftover box in the car all night and temps in the garage were not cold enough to keep the food safe from bacteria, etc. leftovers. Kind of sad about that, but it is probably a good thing!
How are you balancing your life? Would love to hear from you!
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