I have tried these competitions before and for me, they do not usually work. What happens is I pay the fee, get on the scale each week and actually weigh more at the end than at the beginning. Why????? Not sure! Maybe it is that perfectionist in me coming out and saying, "If I can't win the whole thing, then no point in winning." Isn't a net loss a win? Of course it is!
I have decided that this time will be different. When the competition is over, I would like to be at least 10 pounds lighter. And if I don't win any money, no big deal! I paid for someone holding me accountable. I paid for motivation. And...I got a heck of a deal!
As I was searching for some images to add, I found the before/after picture of the above girl. I have never seen the show, but just from the pictures, she reminds me of myself. I am into the baggy t-shirts because that is all I feel comfortable in anymore. I could look like the after version if I work at it. It might take a while, but I really could do that!
So, today was our second weigh in for the competition. The first week I lost 4 pounds and this week (when I thought I was wearing heavier clothes) I lost 1 pound. 5 pounds BABY! Here I come!!!! :)