7th grade PE class introduced me to running. We had a lake close to our school. One and a half times around was a mile. I remember when we were first told we were going to run a "lake road mile". I was excited! That didn't last real long because before you knew it, I was huffing and puffing and walking instead of running. Over the course of several weeks, we finally were able to run the entire time. I felt so accomplished! I didn't necessarily enjoy running, but I REALLY liked the feeling I got when I finished!
I still want THAT. I want to be able to run a mile straight and feel like I really did something. So, I have started the Couch 2 5K running plan. Modern technology makes it super easy to train. If you

The app has a different workout for each session. There are 8 weeks of workouts where you work out 3 days a week. It starts out slow with day one, running no more than 60 seconds at a time. I love how you are able to add your music to the workout or sometimes I listen to Pandora and just put my music on pause so I get more of a "radio" variety.
If I leave my glasses on when I run, I can see how much time I have left on my specific run or walk and I can also see where I am in the workout (for example: Run 4 of 8). The total time is on the screen as is the time remaining in each walk/run.
Since I am not ready to run outside yet (people--yikes!), I also love the fact that I can pause my workout at any time should I need more water, a tissue, whatever the case may be.
When finished there is an option to post to Facebook or Twitter (not sure why they don't have Blogger on that!). Another option is to map it so you can see what that looks like. I don't use the mapping option because I know where Trudy Treadmill is. An option I do use is the option to journal. Above is a screen shot of journal. How cool is that?! :)
I have completed my first week of the program. The first day my run/walk session was followed with extreme plantar fascitis pain. I spoke to a friend about it and she gave me the hint NOT to use the incline option on my treadmill because that is a killer for people who suffer from plantar fascitis. I listened to her advice and have not had any more trouble! YEAH!!! Thank you Lesley!!!
Do I want to sign up for a 5k that takes place this spring? YOU BET! But, I know myself better. If I am going to practice with Trudy Treadmill, then running a 5k with hills and concrete is just going to cause injury. Before signing up for such a thing, my goal is to run the 5k on Trudy.
Once Trudy and I run a 5k, I will advance to the high school track. Maybe after that I'll try hills and concrete, but at this point I will be SUPER HAPPY with a 5k run on Trudy.
I am going to set a goal of running a 5k on Trudy on or before March 15th. Who's with me?
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